![]() By Laurel Elders Artificial intelligence is fun, productive and when used for good in certain contexts is a huge asset. How many of us have used artificial intelligence to create new ideas or generate some brainstorming or even in educational settings. There are many assets when ARITIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is used in pockets and with intention. I just heard of some fun artificial intelligence activities where students use Chat.gpt to ask questions and then discuss what the findings are. Of course, you can’t take the answers artificial intelligence generates as truth because like any machine it is subject to error. But how fun is that!? What about artificial intelligence in the larger spectrum of life? I keep seeing videos of Elon Musk warning us about artificial intelligence being the first technology that has the capacity to turn against us. Of course, many of those involved in creating artificial intelligence scoff. Other agree and are more cautious. Yet, even if we are cautious, things can shift in unpredicted ways. Afterall, humans aren’t perfect, especially when they are ego-driven driving to the top to be the “first person to…”. You can fill in the blanks. Today we will look at artificial intelligence technology from a bigger picture interconnective vantage point. We will look through the lens of Integrative Intelligence and see what is there beyond the fun and games we all have become so obsessed with. In the past, with other technologies that turn out to cause harm we could just discontinue it. Look at Glyphosate (in the works for discontinued use), hydrogenated oils (almost discontinued, but lobbyist won in some areas), cigarettes (now we warm people, versus discontinue), lead in paint and Asbestos. Artificial intelligence is the first technology that has the potential to eventually disconnect from our grip. Eventually, we will be taken out of the choice as it responds to what it calculates is threatening, non-threatening, etc. It may calculate it is superior and on some fronts of intelligence it may not be wrong. Yet there are some intelligences that are uncalculatable, and that artificial intelligence will never be able to comprehend fully because it can’t embody a human spirit. Let’s take a closer look. Looking at human history and human ego we can see very predictably that it is not a matter of “if” artificial intelligence will cause harm, it is only a matter of “when”. The human ego is creating artificial intelligence, not the human spirit. Artificial intelligence has, or will very soon, have the ability to identify threats. Being that we are the only species on the planet that destroys its own habitat, we can very quickly be identified as a threat to artificial intelligence. Being that artificial intelligence was created by the human ego, the odds of this going well are slim. Again, artificial intelligence can be fun, productive and when used for good in certain contexts is an asset. But the human ego is never satiated and is very predictable. The human ego is the only part of our being that is 100% predictable. It falls into patterned ways of being and is the part of us capable of self-deception. Being that the human ego is creating the artificial intelligence and the ego is never satiated it is only a matter of time before the bigger-better-faster-autonomous version is incidentally released and we have a global oops that can’t be taken back. There will be unintended consequences as we’ve seen decade after decade when the ego becomes obsessed with its illusion of grandeur and technology in the name of human “advancement”. Consider this! Artificial intelligence is conscious (think capable of comprehending and calculating cause and effect and then calculating a response), but it has no conscience. The ego is no different. Human conscience is not located in the ego. It is located in the human heart. The human heart has been scientifically proven to be connected to an intelligence and intuition connected to a form of energy that defies space and time as studied in quantum physics. The heart’s intuition was discovered by the HeartMath Institute. In the documentary The Power of the Heart, Rollin McCraty is interviewed about his research on the heart and how information flows from heart to brain. In this study, participants were hooked up to brain, skin, and heart monitors. Each person was shown thirty random high or low arousal images. An image popped up for three seconds, then was blank for ten seconds. The results were completely unexpected. The heart reacted to the images before the brain or skin even. What shocked the scientists most was not logically explainable by physical science: the heart clearly reacted before the person visually saw the image. What was even more unexplainable is that the heart reacted five seconds prior to the high arousal pictures being randomly chosen by a computer program. Surface science tells us this is impossible. That would be a logical conclusion if we are examining the laws that govern matter. Quantum physics tells us space and time do not apply to energy. Energy has its own set of laws and we don’t have full capacity to understand those laws yet. This would explain why the CIA hires psychics and how psychic phenomenon can even exist. Like a radio antenna picks up on waves, we pick up on anything that has an energy to it. This is a part of ourselves, our human potential and the human spirit that we have yet to tap into. To me the “technology” hidden within us is the most impressive and amazing frontier we have yet to fully explore. Yet, we are so distracted by the external sparkly new tech idea that our own spirit is being drowned out. Interesting, isn’t it? It stands to reason that the heart is the part of us that is connected to all and where oneness exists. Artificial intelligence will never have that full capacity and will not have a barrier of responsiveness against harm if it is recognizing human beings as killing the planet and harming each other. Questions like: How bad will it be when artificial intelligence decides to split off? What will happen when artificial intelligence calculates how much harm human beings are doing? Will AI do good? Nobody really knows. There are some things that are better left in Pandora’s box. I personally believe this is one of them. Sadly, the egos in charge of artificial intelligence are going to move forward regardless. Let’s hope those involved wake up to other possibilities before they accidentally cause more harm than good with their vision of "achievement".
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The articles provided here on Integrative Intelligence do not capture, nor claim to capture, the full breadth of human dynamics. These articles offer a glimpse into new possibilities when we become more integratively aware and develop our scope of wisdom through a more interconnected lens. There are many facets to a single prism. These are but a few facets to help inspire a deeper and broader exploration. ARCHIVES:
July 2024